A brief history of colonics
“Colon cleansing is not a new idea; in fact, it has been carried out for thousands of years by people across the world who have enjoyed the health benefits of the treatment. Today, living the high speed life we all do this treatment is more helpful and beneficial than ever.”
An Age-Old Treatment
The ancient Egyptians and Greeks practiced inner cleansing, as did traditional Chinese and Indian civilisations. Each of these cultures realised the many health and well-being benefits of this natural treatment, and the fact that it has endured for so long, and has spread so widely, is a testament to its effectiveness.
Around the turn of the 20th century, the first present day colonic equipment was developed. Up to the late 20's many doctors had colonic systems in their surgeries and similar equipment was found in hospitals too. Articles dealing with colon health frequently appeared in prestigious medical and scientific journals until the early 1930's. Today, hospitals have largely replaced colonics with cheaper purgatives and laxatives, although some people find these unpleasant and ineffective.
Modern Colon Hydrotherapy
While the treatment has taken many forms over the centuries, the essence of the therapy has remained the same – a gentle wash out of the colon or large intestine, using warm water to remove waste matter, re-hydrates and exercise the bowel.
Today’s therapists use hygienic closed systems, with clean, filtered water to cleanse the colon quickly and easily, with no fuss, no mess and no smell, making modern colon hydrotherapy safer and more convenient than ever before.
This makes a modern colon hydrotherapy treatment as normal and natural as any other part of your regular health and wellbeing regime. Many of our clients have colonics on a regular basis, to complement other healthy lifestyle choices such as healthy eating, stress management and regular exercise.